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Let's Deal With Anxiety Blog!


Chronic Anxiety in Husbands & Adult Sons

A Common Concern in Clinical Practice

In my clinical practice as a mental health therapist specializing in anxiety disorders, I frequently encounter a pervasive issue: chronic anxiety in adult male children and husbands. This concern is often brought to my attention by their mothers or wives, who reach out seeking support for their loved ones.

The Stigma Surrounding Anxiety

Anxiety is a condition that remains highly stigmatized, particularly among men. This stigma can create significant barriers, preventing adult male children from reaching out for the help they need. The societal expectation for men to be stoic and self-reliant exacerbates this issue, leading to prolonged periods of unresolved anxiety.

The Impact of Unresolved Anxiety

The consequences of untreated anxiety are far-reaching. It can affect every aspect of a person's life, from personal relationships to professional achievements. In many cases, the anxiety becomes a chronic issue, deeply ingrained and more challenging to address over time.

Reaching Out for Support

While the stigma surrounding anxiety can be a formidable obstacle, the support of family members, such as mothers and wives, plays a crucial role in encouraging men to seek help. Their concern and proactive approach can be instrumental in breaking down the barriers associated with mental health stigma.


Chronic anxiety in adult male children and husbands is a significant issue that requires understanding and compassion. Recognizing the role of stigma and the importance of family support can pave the way toward healing and better mental health outcomes.

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The Anxiety Treatment Center of West Michigan, PLLC


Phone: 269-359-1873

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